

Whether you are an experienced referee (a.k.a. match official) or just getting started, it is always a thrill to walk onto the field and give a loud blast on your whistle to let everyone know who’s in charge. The minimum age to become a referee is 12 years old for small sided games and 14 years old for 9v9 and 11v11 games.

Ontario Soccer offers two referee certification courses, Small Sided and Entry Level. The first step for those who are 12 years of age or older on March 31 and are interested in refereeing small sided soccer (7v7 and smaller) is to enroll and complete a Small Sided Referee Course. Those who are 14 and older on March 31 and are interested in refereeing all competitions including 9v9 and 11v11 soccer, as well as those interested in being an assistant referee, should complete the Entry Level Referee Course.

If you will be age 14 or older by March 31, we highly recommend registering for the Entry Level course. As an Entry Level match official, you will still be eligible to referee small-sided games (7v7), but will also be certified to officiate full-field games and to work as an assistant referee.

Referee courses are offered at the beginning of the year before the start of the outdoor summer season.

Please visit the Ontario Soccer website for further information on what to expect as a new Match Official. If you would like to speak with someone local about becoming a referee, you should contact the District Referee Coordinator Mike Smith or Development Officer Beth Pelow (McClelland).

Course Format

Referee certification (training) comprises a combination of Self-Guided Online Modules and a one-day in-person Clinic with classroom and on-field components at a host club. The first step is to register for a clinic at a host club, then complete the on-line modules before you attend the clinic. Your certification is not restricted to the club where you take the clinic, it is valid anywhere in Ontario. Please visit ECOSA’s Become a Referee page for a list of in-person clinics being offered locally and how to register. You can find a complete list of available clinics at Ref Centre Course Management. You can find additional details and begin the certification process at the Ontario Soccer Match Officials Clinic Registration page. To avoid complications, be sure to use the same e-mail address throughout the process.

Small Sided Course*


The Small Sided Course is for those who would like to become an accredited referee on 7v7 games typically involving U10 and younger players. Successful graduates are automatically registered for the current season with Ontario Soccer and do not have to register again until the following year. Course accreditation is valid permanently; you will not have to take the course again to continue refereeing Small Sided Games, however you will have to register with Ontario Soccer each year.

The Small Sided Course is based on the Small Sided Laws of the Game.

*Must be 12 years of age (or older) as of March 31 to enroll in this course.

Entry Level Course**

The Entry Level Course is for those who would like to become an accredited referee on 9v9 and 11v11 games, as well as those interested in being an assistant referee. As an Entry Level match official, you will also be eligible to referee small-sided games (7 v 7). Successful graduates are automatically registered for the current season with Ontario Soccer and do not have to register again until the following year.

**Must be 14 years of age (or older) as of March 31 to enroll in this course.

Getting Games

Referees for most games are assigned by the various Club Head Referees or the Peterborough Referee Branch Scheduler. After you become an accredited referee you can contact the Head Referees for the clubs in your area and ask to be included in their list of referees. Referees for higher level competitive games are assigned through the E2E Ref Centre website.

Resources for Referees

Laws of the Game (11 v 11)

2021/2022 Law Changes

2019/2020 Law Changes

Differences between 9 v 9 and 11 v 11 Games

Small Sided Laws of the Game (7 v 7)

Ontario Soccer Match Officials page

Match Official Resources – Forms, Manuals and Guidelines

Ref Centre Course Management (find a course)

ECOSA Referee Information web page

Ontario Soccer Provincial Development Officers – East Region

Canada Soccer Quality Soccer Provider 4
Ontario Soccer logo

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