The Mark Forster Scholarship was established by the Peterborough City Soccer Association to commemorate the memory of Mark Forster, a former Peterborough City player who died tragically as the result of an illness in 1988 at the age of 25. Mark played on the PCSA Senior Men’s team in the Toronto and District Premier Soccer League. A skilled and committed young midfield player with a great attitude, he was popular with teammates and fans alike.
Mark acted as coordinator of the Arborough Games, a sport and cultural exchange program between Peterborough and Ann Arbor, Michigan, from 1983 to 1985 as well as the Ontario Summer Games held in Peterborough in 1986.
In 1990, the north field at Eastgate Park was renamed the Mark Forster Pitch in memory of Mark. The memorial plaque at the field reads:
“This plaque is to commemorate the memory of Mark Forster who, during his short lifetime, made major contributions to soccer and other sports in the Peterborough community. In his memory, this field shall be known as The Mark Forster Pitch”.
Award Description
The Mark Forster Scholarship is presented annually to a maximum of four individuals entering their first year of post-secondary school studies. The cash value of the scholarship is set annually by the PCSA Board of Directors.
Any current Peterborough City player who has been accepted into their first year of post-secondary studies at a Canadian college or university is eligible to apply for a scholarship. The applications will be judged on the following criteria:
- Playing history with Peterborough City Soccer Association;
- Contribution to soccer through playing, coaching, refereeing, mentoring, etc.;
- Volunteer activity in the Club and elsewhere;
- Academic record.
How To Apply
Completed application forms and supporting documents must be received on or before August 1 each year. Application forms are available on the PCSA website or can be requested from the PCSA Administrator.
Applications can be submitted by any of the following methods:
- Email: scan the application form and supporting documents and email them to the PCSA Administrator.
- Mail or courier to:
Peterborough City Soccer Association,
171A Rink Street, Suite 114,
Peterborough, Ontario,
K9J 2J6
Attn: Administrator. - Drop off in a sealed envelope (no stamp required) at:
Package Plus (open weekdays 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.),
171A Rink Street,
Suite 114 (Peterborough City Soccer Association),
Peterborough, Ontario.
Attn: Administrator.
Download: Mark Forster Scholarship application form
Previous Recipients

Right: Mark’s parents Fred and Margaret Forster (with Covid-19 precautions)

2011 Scholarship Recipients:
Eric Jaczkowski (Queen’s University)
Jeremy MacMillan-Jones (University of Guelph)
Cameron McLaughlin (McMaster University)
Shannon O’Brien (Trent University)
Natalie Selkirk (Trent University)
2010 Scholarship Recipients:
Tracey Carlow (Trent University)
Carlo Ferrer (Queen’s University)
Brendan Graham (Queen’s University)
Brendan Sevigny (Fleming College)
Amy Walsh (Trent University)
2009 Scholarship Recipients: