Challenge Cup Application

Team Entry Form

U13 to U18 Divisions – Entry Fee: $550 plus $19.13 SE processing fee

Peterborough Challenge Cup for Girls – June 7-8, 2025

Peterborough Challenge Cup for Boys – June 21-22, 2025

Please fill in the details below, correctly answer the skill-testing question and press the SUBMIT button. You will receive an e-mail to confirm your application. Please check your Spam/Junk folder if you do not see the e-mail in your Inbox.

When you submit the Team Entry Form, your browser will open a secure SportsEngine login page to process your credit card payment. You can use your existing SportsEngine account if you have one, otherwise you will be prompted to create a new one. PCSA teams are prepaid.

    Select Tournament, Age and Division

    Select Tournament:

    Select Age:

    Preferred Division:

    Please note that assignment to Tier 1 or Tier 2 is not guaranteed, will be at the sole discretion of the tournament chair and will depend on the number of registered teams. U16 and older age groups will have only one division.

    Team Information

    Club Name:

    Team Name:


    2025 League:

    League Level/Tier:

    Primary Team Contact





    Alternate Team Contact





    Accept Terms

    Visiting teams from outside ECOSA District must submit a travel permit (ATF) approved by their District Association no later than two weeks prior to the tournament.

    The applicant acknowledges the jurisdiction of FIFA, CS, OS and our District Association with regard to this competition and agrees to abide by the Published Rules of these organizations.

    I have read and agree to abide by the Tournament Rules.

    I have read and agree to abide by the PCSA Payment and Refund Policy.


    Additional Information

    Please enter any additional background information you wish to add:

    Select Payment Method:

    After you press SUBMIT APPLICATION, your browser will open a secure SportsEngine session to take your credit card details. You can use your existing SportsEngine account if you have one, otherwise you will have to create a new one. Your payment will include a small transaction fee added by SportsEngine.

    If your team is planning on staying overnight, please book your accommodation before completing the payment step in SportsEngine (you can return to SportsEngine later for payment). Some hotels are already full on the girl's tournament weekend (June 6-8). If you cannot find suitable accommodation in Peterborough, there are several options in the 'suburbs', e.g. Port Hope, Cobourg, Bowmanville and Lindsay. These communities are all within 40 minutes commuting distance to the soccer fields. You will find several suggestions on our Accommodations page.

    Please send an e-Transfer for the entry fee within 24 hours to the following email address:

    The recipient will automatically be indicated as Peterborough City Soccer Club and a security question is not required.
    Write you name, club and team name in the 'Message' area of the e-transfer form.
    Please note that your application will not be processed until payment is received. Payment must be received before the application deadline.

    If paying by cheque you can close the SportsEngine tab that will open after you press SUBMIT APPLICATION. Please note that payment by cheque will incur a $40 administration fee. You can avoid the administration fee if you pay by credit card. If your club insists on paying by cheque we suggest that you pay up front by credit card to guarantee your spot; we will reimburse you when we receive the cheque. Please mail or drop off your cheque for $590 at the address below. Please note that your application will not be processed until payment is received. Payment must be received before the application deadline. Please do not postdate your cheque.

    If you are a PCSA team you can close the SportsEngine tab when it opens automatically after you press SUBMIT APPLICATION.

    Review Details and Submit Your Application

    Please review your information and ensure that you have accepted all the terms before clicking on the Submit Application button.

    To prevent misuse, please type 4-digits of <<< in the answer box.

    Your browser will open a payment application in SportsEngine after you press SUBMIT APPLICATION. Have your credit card handy.

    You will receive an email from the tournament chair to confirm your team registration. When you complete the payment you will receive a separate email from SportsEngine to confirm payment. Please check your Spam/Junk folder if you do not see the e-mails in your Inbox.

    Teams that withdraw before the entry deadline will receive a full refund less a $50 administration charge. Teams that withdraw after the deadline will forfeit the full amount of the entry fee.

    Peterborough City Soccer Association
    Challenge Cup
    171A Rink Street, Suite 114
    Peterborough, Ontario. K9J 2J6

    Email: tournament @ pcsasoccer.comWebsite:

    Canada Soccer Quality Soccer Provider 4
    Ontario Soccer logo

    Please Support Our Sponsors

    Peterborough City Soccer Association