Festival FAQ’s

We have assembled some of the questions we get asked most frequently on this page for your convenience.

Q1. When will the schedule be published?
The schedule will be published on the tournament website by 6 p.m. on the Sunday before the festival.

Q2. What day/time does the festival start and finish?
Games run from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday, depending on the age division. Festival teams will play four 25-minute games on the day of the festival.

Q3. Will festival divisions be tiered?
We do not create separate “skilled” and “novice” divisions for festival teams, however the application form asks teams to self-assess as “skilled”, “average” or “novice”. When we make up the schedule, we match teams of similar skill level to the extent that the number of teams permits. This has worked really well in the past. Don’t hesitate to put in your application regardless of the skill level of your team(s).

Q3A. We have two teams and wanted to enter both in in the festival. We are wondering, if you could have them NOT play each other.
We’ve seen it happen – travel 100 km to play against your own club! You could have stayed at home and done that. Rest assured, number one consideration when we make up the festival schedule is to avoid intra-club games. Also, whenever possible, we will include games against teams from different districts.

Q3B. We have two teams in the festival. Hopefully they will not have to play at the same time slot so that the coaches can be available for either team.
We welcome clubs to submit multiple teams in the same age division – we will ensure that the teams do not play against each other. However it is possible that the teams will be scheduled to play at the same time on different fields. This comes about because each team is given 4 games against four different opponents and sometimes the constraints on the schedule require the teams to play at the same time. Therefore it is imperative to have a separate coach or team official available to manage each team.

Q4. Is there a limit on our roster size for the festival?
Teams can carry any number of eligible players on their Festival Master Roster (your player pool), however only the maximum number of players permitted under Game Format can participate in each game. Non-participating players must be struck off the game sheet. U9 and U10 teams will play 7 vs 7 (including the goalkeeper). A maximum of 12 players can be on the bench and listed on the game sheet for each game. U11 and U12 teams will play 9 vs 9 (including the goalkeeper). A maximum of 16 players can participate in a game.

Q4A. We entered 2 teams but one team is short of players. Can the players move between teams throughout the day?
No. Players can only be listed on one team master roster and can play on only one team throughout the festival. Coaches can move between teams provided they are listed on the game sheet.

Q5. I’d like to register 3 teams in the festival. When I apply, can I do it for all 3 at once?
Please submit a separate team entry form for each team. For the 2nd and 3rd teams most text fields should be prefilled which will save some typing. The reason for separate submissions is that you are asked to self-assess each team as strong/average/novice, which helps us in scheduling.

Q6. My club requires that we pay by cheque. How do I hold a spot?
We suggest that you pay by credit card when you register. We will reimburse your credit card when we receive the cheque.

Q7. How do I know that you received our application, payment and travel permit?
In addition to receiving a system generated email to confirm your application and payment, you can check the status of your registration, payment and travel permit on the Registered Teams page.

Q8. We were under the impression that travel permits are only required if traveling from outside the province. Do you still require a travel permit from EODSA?
Absolutely you will need a travel permit. OS regulations stipulate that you need a travel permit whenever you travel outside your own district for a festival or an exhibition game.

Q8A. We are a DRSA team that regularly plays in Peterborough for league games. Why do we need a travel permit to attend the festival?
Although teams in the DRSA league (and most other leagues) have blanket travel permission for out-of-district league games, unfortunately that does not carry over to festivals and exhibition games. Only clubs located within the ECOSA district boundary are exempt from a travel permit.

Q9. Our District has not completed the player roster uploads for our outdoor season just yet. I have been told by our Club Admin that I cannot submit an application to travel until the outdoor rosters are populated. How can I hold a spot?
You are welcome to submit a Team Entry Form and make payment now to hold your spot. You can forward your travel permit later once your roster is approved.

Q9A. This is my first time applying for a travel permit. How do I go about it?
In the world of soccer, getting a travel permit (ATF) should be one of the easiest tasks. However the first time can be a bit daunting for new managers. You can follow the step-by-step instructions in the ATF Guide available on the tournament website. Your players must be entered into the Ontario Soccer player registration system and you have at least a preliminary team roster. Usually your club administrator is your best source of help and would be able to provide guidance. The turnaround time for a travel permit can be as little as 24 hours but it can take up to a week.

Q9B. Our travel permit was approved and submitted, however we recently added a new player to our roster. Do I need to apply for a new travel permit?
No need. The travel permit is for you team, not a particular group of players. Just bring a stamped copy of your updated OS roster to the registration.

Q10. What documents do I need to bring to registration?
Please check the Registration page for detailed requirements. In summary, you will need a stamped OS team roster, a tournament master roster (2 copies) and one game sheet for each game (4 games in total). You do not need duplicate copies of the game sheets. Templates for the tournament master roster and game sheet can be downloaded from the Registration page.

Q11. We don’t want to rush home after our games. Can you recommend some activities to make the most of our visit?
Located in the heart of the Kawartha Lakes tourism region, Peterborough offers plenty to choose from. Please check out our Visitor Information page.

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